Our highly qualified team of professionals is able to meet the most demanding standards of our clients on a wide range of IP issues, including:
- Device, word and combined marks application and registration in Paraguay and abroad.
- Patents and Utility Models application and registration
- Copyright, Models and Industrial Designs application and registration
- Presentation of oppositions.
- Precautionary measures.
- Agreements on licensing, franchising and technology transfer.
- Trademark and patent portfolios surveillance and maintenance service
- Advice on the registration of trademarks and evaluation of results of searches before the DINAPI (National Directorate of Intellectual Property).
- Legal auditing and Due Diligence on trademark issues.
- Application and Records to the Customs Directorate.
- Request and Records before the Health Surveillance Department under the Ministry of Health.
- Judicial actions for the protection of intellectual rights, resolution of disputes and administrative contentious actions against resolutions that affect Intellectual Rights.
- Domain Names application and Registration